January 28, 2008

2 month Update!

At Bransons 2 month Check up, he weighed in at just over 17 pounds. Incase you aren't familiar, that is about 6 pounds over the average, which put him way over the 100th percentile! He's our little chunk, but he is so cuddly and soft. He's above the 97th percentile for height too, but his head is only in the 50-60th percentile. Suprising because his head seems so big-- it must be all the chub surrounding it! He is really good at holding his head up now, and finally starting to explore the world around him. He is absolutely full of grins and giggles- he's been smiling since he was just over 1 month old. We love making him smile, it just warms out hearts. Here are some pictures from around his 2 month mark.

Chunky Chunky Chunky

Little Sport
He's only about 5 weeks here, but so precious
